Machete Maidens Unleashed + For Your Height Only
VENUE: The Arts House Screening Room
DATE & TIME: 27 June 2014, 8:30pm
RATING: Machete Maidens Unleashed (R21)
RATING: For Your Height Only (PG)
COST: Free admission
In addition to Weng Weng’s wacky adventures in “For Your Height Only” (1981), we’ll be screening the shock-umentary “Machete Maidens Unleashed!” (2010) just before it!
“Machete Maidens Unleashed!” is a documentary about the Filipino exploitation movie scene of the 70s and 80s (think Roger Corman classics), and will give you a crash course on Pinoy grindhouse cinema just before we dive headlong into “For Your Height Only”.
Both screenings are free, but you do need to email us at with:
1. Your full name
2. The number of seats you’d like to reserve (maximum of 4 seats per email request) for each movie. If you tell us you want two seats for “Machete Maidens Unleashed!” you will not automatically be added to the “For Your Height Only”, and vice-versa.
“Machete Maidens Unleashed!” is rated R21. Only adults aged 21 years or above are allowed into the screening room. Please have your ID ready for checks — you will not be allowed entry if you fail to produce a valid ID upon request.
This is a free event and seats are issued on a first-come, first-served basis. Once you’ve emailed us your request, we will mail you back confirming your reservation. Your seats are not reserved until you hear back from us.
“Machete Maidens Unleashed!” will start screening at 7PM on June 27. Please be at The Arts House Screening Room before 7PM to register and collect your wrist tags.
Please note that if you only want to watch “Machete Maidens Unleashed!”, you will need to vacate the screening room when the movie ends (before “For Your Height Only” starts).
As described on our website, “For Your Height Only” is rated PG and will start screening at 8:30PM. There will be a five minute intermission between screenings.