Review by: Topo Sanchez
SCUM Rating: ★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Hentai Kamen was one of the first entries to our blog, so it gives me great pleasure to review this film!
First, a quick recap for those of you who haven’t heard of this new superhero. The story revolves around the main character, Ryosuke Shikijo. He’s built like a huge tree and looks tough on the outside, but he’s actually pretty weak on the inside. His strong sense of righteousness often puts him in the path of the bullies in school, but he always ends up getting beat up by them. So he decides to enroll in the martial arts club in school to learn how to fight.

Aiko seeking refuge in the strong arms of Ryosuke
One day, a new transfer student by the name of Aiko Himeno joins his class, and it was love at first sight for Ryosuke. But before he could declare his love, she is taken hostage during a bank robbery. While the police is negotiating with the robbers, Ryosuke decides to take matters into his own hands and climb through an open window into the girl’s locker room. Here, he accidentally bumps into one of the masked robbers and manages to knock him out with a lucky blow to the solar plexus. He then decides to put on the robber’s mask as a disguise to look for Aiko. While groping around in the dark for the mask, he accidentally picks up a soiled panty which was lying on the floor instead, and puts it over his face. The smell of the panty turns him on and releases his full power, and so Hentai Kamen is born!
Ok wait, there is a perfectly scientific and logical explanation for this transformation. Ryosuke’s dad was a cop, and his mom is a fearsome S&M mistress. So he gets his “righteousness genes” from his dad, and his perverted streak from his whip-lashing mom. And as everyone knows, with genes like that, a soiled panty over face is all it takes to trigger the full potential of that person right?…Right?
So anyway, Ryosuke transforms into Hentai Kamen and charges into the hostage room. He confronts the two robbers and promptly defeats them with his new found powers, which mostly involves smashing the baddies’ faces into his crotch, or Golden Balls as he prefers to call them. Hentai Kamen saves the day and the damsel, but Aiko is confused and frightened by this pervert, and faints in front of his throbbing manhood.

Spinning Golden Balls!
After this incident, a group of students invade Ryosuke’s school and plans a takeover. They defeated all the members of the martial arts club, and it is up to Hentai Kamen to save the day again. Ah, but these baddie students know people who know people who know people, and so they send in deadly assassins to defeat our beloved Perverted Champion of Justice. (gasp!)
All the assassins sent in have equally deadly and outrageous names; Very Serious Mask (one of the best characters in movie in my opinion), Cool Guy, Gay Mask, Skinny Macho Mask. But they all met defeat at the hands of our hero. Until that is, the final assassin is sent in…a teacher. Oh but this teacher is no ordinary teacher. This teacher seduces Aiko to fall in love with him, impersonates Hentai Kamen to smear his reputation, and even proves to us that his level of perversion is much deeper and twisted than Ryosuke’s, and thus more powerful.
Facing off with such a powerful foe, Hentai Kamen has to dig deep within himself to find his true nature, and release the strength needed to defeat this dastardly enemy!

Laying down the rules of combat
Hentai Kamen is a gem. I mean, how many artists out there have had a chance to express their twisted ideas on paper, let alone have their perversions produced on such a large scale? There are many interesting details in the movie that was successfully pulled off only because of the commitment and belief from the actors and crew. Very Serious Mask was a truly truly bizarre and offbeat character that chatters and moves like a robot, the teacher had a habit of strumming his nipples to turn himself on, and of course the final kudos is to Ryohei Suzuki for bringing a character like Hentai Kamen to life.
This is a highly entertaining movie for people with an open mind, and like to push the boundaries ever so slightly. There will be plenty of crotch-to-face scenes, plenty of nonsensical characters and ridiculous conversations so please leave all your mundane office logic at the door. The theatre I was in was filled with mixed reactions, from laugh out louds to sheer confusion and I suspect, a few faces of disgust.
But it is movies like this that made us start S.C.U.M Cinema in the first place, so we highly recommend this!

Catch it while you can!