
Japanese Film Festival 2013

webbanner_jff2013We’re unforgivably late in publicizing this, but the annual Japanese Film Festival is on again in Singapore.

Built around four themes – Currents, Undercurrents, Around the 80s and Retrospective (of Shindo Kaneto and Yoshimura Kozaburo) – the festival is a welcome respite from the Hollywood fare we’re usually offered in local cinemas.

Highlights include GFP Bunny, Man Who Stole the Sun, Rentaneko (reviewed here) and many more.

The festival runs till July 7, and tickets can be purchased from TicketBooth. Selected free screenings are also available. View the full schedule at the festival web site, or link-up with the festival on Facebook.

Kudos to the festival crew for organizing this wonderful showcase of Japanese cinema. Stay tuned for S.C.U.M. reviews of selected films from the festival!

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SCUM stands for ‘Society for Cult & Underground Movies’. We are a film society focusing on the Bizarre and the Weird in reel life. From horror to humour, bollywood to b-grade, kult to kungfu, monster to manga, nothing is too taboo for our twisted minds. Aside from film reviews and whatnots, we hold free bi-monthly film screenings in the tiny island of Singapore. Keep any eye out for these screen gems…

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