Top 10 Cinephile Destinations
Love Film, Will Travel. Foodies will fly halfway across the world to eat raw brains off a live donkey, while animal lovers fly to Germany to make sweet love to one. If you can pry a cinephile off their local [...]
Love Film, Will Travel. Foodies will fly halfway across the world to eat raw brains off a live donkey, while animal lovers fly to Germany to make sweet love to one. If you can pry a cinephile off their local [...]
Countdown of top 10 common Cine faux pas to avoid for any self-respecting movie buff or cinephile: 10. Silent Film Usually accompanied by anything from a guitar, piano, to an entire orchestra. The term “silent film” is a retronym, coined [...]
From film royalty like Hitchcock and Méliès (Gaston) to cult figures like Wong Jing 王晶 and Murakami 村上 龍, Singapore’s had her ass shot by some of the world’s finest. Here we list the absolute best and/or most important movies [...]
Original doesn’t always mean better. Many of them ain’t exactly original in the first place. Sometimes rip offs are just as good. (eg Dredd vs The Raid). But more often, they are lamer. (eg. Cecil B Demented vs. Why Don’t [...]
Every top ten list of movies often feature the usual suspects. Are those movies really that good? Or are people just ripping off each other’s list? Here at SCUM, we decided to offer our perfect antidote to the 10 typical, [...]
“Screening films in digital is like forcing audiences to watch television in public.” – Tarantino In just 5 short years the industry killed off film for digital. They saved billions serving us movies in cinema as digital videos stored [...]
Review by: Menstrual Bazin SCUM Rating: ★ ★ ★ ★ ☆ It is with great audacity that I attempt to review the movie that is THE very definition of what a cult movie is. Something that S.C.U.M’s wet dreams are made [...]
Review by: Menstrual Bazin SCUM Rating: ★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆ I remembered how it felt the day my first car was sold off for scrap. Worst feeling ever. I’m not a petrol head, and it wasn’t even my car! It was [...]